Work in Progress

This document is in the process of compilation and as such likely to alter from day to day. Please feel free to read it so far and comment. By doing so you will help to make it a better piece of work and help to further the progress of Christian unity.

Last updated 1st February 2003

The Scottish Church

Initiative for Union Proposal

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Comments and Critique

1. These introductory paragraphs give the history of the process leading up to the current document. They show that this is just one step on a very long road which has been trodden by many before and is by no means at its destination. The journey has not been without casualties; two churches appear to have dropped out, one from participant to observer status, and the other from observer to... what?

They also bear witness to successes, both in terms of unions which occurred earlier in the 20th century and the doctrinal agreement which was found already to underlie the lives of Christian believers from different traditions.

Ken Petrie

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